Reading: Our school uses the Imagine It! curriculum that consists of different 6 different Themed Units. Each Unit has 5 stories, followed up with a Benchmark assessment to monitor progress.
Students in my class will also be tested quarterly and given their instructional reading level by using the STAR Reading assessment. Students will meet with me daily for guided reading at that level. We will focus on Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding Vocabulary. The students will participate in Daily 5 Activities which include Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Word Works, and Work on Writing.
Spelling: Our spelling program comes directly from our Imagine It! Reading curriculum. Students will be given a pretest every Monday. Students will be given the opportunity to work on these words in class during the Daily 5- Word Works, as well as, through the assignments given in their homework packets on Mondays. The homework is due back by Friday each week. The students will be tested on the words on Friday.
Writing: Students will participate in writer’s workshop this year. We will focus on the 6 Traits of Writing. The 6 traits include the following: ideas, organization, sentence fluency, word choice, conventions and voice. They will be learning how to write a Narrative (story) and an Expository Essay (writing to explain). There will be lots of teacher modeling, and we will share our writings with the class. In fourth grade, we have Writes Upon Request during the 1st, 2nd, and 4th nine weeks. FCAT Writing will be given during the 3rd nine weeks. Students are required to pass a Narrative AND Expository writing with a score of 4 or higher.
Math: We use the Go Math! curriculum in Leon County. This program consists of the 3 BIG IDEAS that are tested on FCAT. Big Idea #1- Whole Number Place Value, Multiplication and Division; Big Idea #2- Understand Decimals; Big Idea #3- Area and Geometry. These Big Ideas are spread throughout 13 chapters. After each chapter the students will take an assessment, and at the end of each Big Idea, they will be assessed on all of the content within those chapters.
The Big Idea breakdowns are as follows:
Big Idea #1- Whole Number Place Value, Multiplication and Division
*Use and represent whole numbers
*Multiplication and Division concepts and facts
*Algebra Expressions, Equations and Patterns
*Multiply by 1-digit whole numbers
*Multiply by 2-digit and 3-digit whole numbers
*Model division by 1-digit and 2-digit divisors
Big Idea #2- Understand Decimals
*Factors, multiples, and fractions
*Understand decimal place value
*Decimal place value and number sense
Big Idea #3- Area and Geometry
*Understand area
*Angles and Two-Dimensional Shapes
*Transformations and symmetry
*Relate two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes
Science: This year we are using the Fusion Science curriculum. The curriculum is divided into 10 Units: Studying Science; Earth's Place in Space; Rocks, Minerals and Resources; Matter and Its Properties; Matter and Its Changes; Energy and Its Uses; Heat; Forces and Motion; Life Cycles and Growth; and Organisms and Their Environment.
Social Studies: In fourth grade we do a Study of Florida. The students will create and put together Florida books. We will end our Florida Study with a trip to the oldest city, St. Augustine.